Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Don't Be Tied Down by Negative Thoughts

Life will always throw you curve balls... I shouldn't even try to make it sound nice... Sometimes life takes you to the edge of sanity!!! I have been there (still visit at times, LOL) but that's life.

The trick is to use all these experiences to make yourself a better person, a stronger person, one who can help others like you step away from the edge of sanity. Sounds easy? IT'S NOT!!!!

I am a firm believer that God chose a special few to perform some great works on his behalf... and we are being tested to ensure we can handle the responsiblity of being part of the chosen few. Look at all obstacles as tests; tests of strength, character and fortitude. They are events to be used to build character and conquer endevours, dreams and goals.

It can be done.


Change your mindset.

Change your mindset. (yea, I said it twice!)

Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind, heart and soul. The power that the mind has is greatly under-estimated. But if you reflect on it, you will see evidence in your own life.

If you believe you will never find someone to love YOU, you may continously find yourself in failed, abusive relationships.

If you believe you will never progress in your career, you may continue to be passed for promotions and for the great position.

Why is this? Coincidence? No! Your actions reflect your mindset. Your energy, whether positive or negative, is shown in your decisions, attitude and overall aura.

So what can be done now?

Start today. Plant the seed of positivity. Believe you are great, beautiful, deserving, worthy... Not because that's the 'formula', but because you know it's true.

Begin an exercise today: Look in the mirror and find the GREAT things about your body, great things about your personality... Find the beauty inside and out.

THEN, decide the TYPE of person you would like to be and begin building a road towards becoming the best you.

Hope you enjoyed reading this, I enjoyed writing it.

Stay positive and true to yourself. Get rid of negative thoughts. Love yourself and draw love to yourself.


Paula Yee Sing-Edwards


If you are interested in developing seriously as an artiste there are several rudiments that must be followed to ensure success in this competitive industry.

1. Know what you value about your music and honor your values.

2. Set up your music career as a bonafied business and keep good records.

3. Prepare a business or career plan to map out your goals.

4. Don't let a day go by without working on something to keep to your plan.

5. Stay focused on your plans and don't run from it.

6. Get regular feedback of your music from your contacts.

7. Stay informed: Read read read about the business

8.Organize your space; an organized space indicates an organized mind.

9. Practice your communication skills.

10. Follow up on promises made to anyone in the music business, to be taken seriously.

11. Create a webpage and promote it aggressively.

12. Network with others in the industry, join groups and be an active member.

13. When something doesn't work... stop doing it , and don't do it again.

14. Take days off! Rest!

15. Keep physically fit and eat healthy.

16. Identify true friends and don't forget them.

17. At least once a year, study some topic you wouldn't normally consider.

18. Seek inspiration from unlikely sources.

19. Do not let success get to your head; be grateful.

20. Don't blame others for your struggles; use them to build character.

21. Take advise from those who have earned it.

22. If you can't do a task... don't; hire out intelligently.

23. Find out your personal work rhythm, when do you work best?

24. Nature your relationship with fans.

25. Only use attorneys, agents, publicists etc. with music business experience.

26. Be prepared for the unexpected.

27. Be the best you that you can be... ALWAYS.

28. Conceive success in your mind and heart and make it your reality.