Thursday, July 24, 2008


One of the services offered by the company I am soon to launch includes conflict resolution in and out of the workplace. Here are some tips to resolving issues from the stance of the involved party or the one responsible for resolving them.


It is impossible to address every possible conflict that may arise among individuals within an organization; but there are several basic things to consider when faced with such conflicts.

· What is the real issue(s) – Are they work related or personal? Approach accordingly. If the feelings are personal, encourage the individuals to find methods of separating those feelings from the mission of the organization and focus on the goal at hand.

· Are we making a mountain out of a molehill? - Does the situation warrant the aggression and discord resulting from it? Can it be handled calmly and quickly without reducing productivity?

· How old are you? – Yes...this must be asked, because conflicts often bring out the temper- tantrum throwing child in the person. Child labor laws do not allow children to be employed in the position, so individuals are NOT expected to behave like children. Address the situation in a mature, civil, ADULT way.

· Remember the aim--- to do well at your job. Fighting and sabotaging another individual does not benefit you in any way. It decreases your worth as an asset to the company and certainly doesn’t add money to your salary. Doing well at your job brings honor and a sense of pride…all healthy for your body mind and spirit.


· Be slow to anger- Bringing that emotion to the situation only worsens it and not resolve it. It puts the other party on the defensive. If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot. ~Korean Proverb

· Be indirect in stating errors or mistakes- This lowers the defensive walls and allows the next part to see your side. A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. -Samuel Butler

· Remind the parties of the main goal of the organization- This creates a common ground

· Be open to apology- Graciously accept apologies and be more gracious in giving them if you are wrong.

· Show your human side- Let the part know when you have been wrong or made similar mistakes, this makes you more relatable to the situation.

· Close the case- Heal the situation to remove all negative personal feelings which may result if dealt with poorly. Encourage comradeship and oneness.
Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
YaadNoyz Magazine
YaadNoyz Production LLC
www.yaadnoyz (coming soon)