Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Journey to the Hot Bod-Mission Possible

Journey to the Hot Bod-Mission Possible

I am really getting into the vibe of the gym. Today I did 15 mins on the treadmill to warm up, and then 10 mins on the bicycle….These are the hardest parts for me; mi nuh like run nor cycle! I get tired (or bored) after 5 mins of running, but I can dance and do aerobics for HOURS! Is it just me?

Anyway; Today I focused on my legs. I have very powerful legs, so I have to be very careful… especially with my calves (that look like full grown cows, actually…KIDDING!) so I steered clear of the calf machines.

I ended the session with abs as usual. And today I used ALL MACHINES to work my abs, to prove to my husband and a doubting friend, Onoka (who swear seh mi a lie bout mi 500 abs a day) that it was a very probable task! Him rude! Lol.

I made sure to do the abs alongside my hubby, who quickly gave up after the first 200, leaving me smug with victory. Can't wait to face-off with Onoka, we have a bet… think I winning a shopping spree…or ice cream.

Anyhoo, I came home satisfied, with tighter abs. Whohoooooooo!!!! 08 here I come! I fell into bed and slept for hours!!! Sleep at last; sleep at last…Thank God almighty, I got sleep at last!!!

Tomorrow I am bringing my sparring gloves and gonna hit the boxing cage and unwind in the sauna. Will tell you how that goes.

Chat more,

Mission Possible
Agent 38-24-40 (I wish)

Check out our music on YaadNoyz Production at

Monday, December 17, 2007

ALAINE- Dancehall's Sweetheart- from YaadNoyz Newsletter

This is an article from the December issue of YaadNoyz Newsletter. YaadNoyz Newsletter is a monthly chronicle with the latest interviews, reviews and entertainment news out of Jamaica and the reggae and dancehall community.

To get your copy, send your email address and join our mailing list.

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Everyone remembers the amazing little songstress in the 5% Mortgage Plan commercial(Victoria Mutual) in the 1980's; Many even predicted that superstardom was imminent in her future. But who could have imagined what a success story Alaine would have become? She has defied the 'curse' of the child star and etched a permanent mark in the music industry as a bona fide idol.

This dancehall sweetheart's early works include a spot in the movie; Clara's Heart starring Whoopi Goldberg, co-host on the JBC TV program, Vibrations and numerous solo performances at illustrious events. Now, almost 20 years later, she has once again managed to place herself in hearts everywhere with her debut album, Sacrifice.

Coming from a musical family made a career in entertainment almost automatic. She sang in the church choir and joined the Jamaica Folk Singers at the age of five.

With an intellectual prowess that equals her vocal aptitude, Alaine earned an honors degree in Marketing and Psychology at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica. She then resigned herself to the stability of an investment banking career at JP Morgan for 4 ½ years. Though she excelled and received several accolades and promotions, she was never at peace, because this was not her passion. During this time she kept her feet wet in the industry by writing and singing hooks for Salaam Remy, Cam'Ron and other Roc-A-Fella recording artistes.

In 2004, after being offered a promotion that would consume all her time for music, Alaine daringly returned to Jamaica to pursue her life's dream of being an entertainer. Though grateful for the lessons learnt at JP Morgan, she knows she will never give up the music industry with all it's uncertainty for the safety net of a 9-5 job.

Two years in the making is her debut album Sacrifice. All the songs were written by Alaine and each gives a personal look into her soul. She cites the title track, Sacrifice as her favorite on the album because it effected her first tearful reaction while writing a track; a phenomenon she thought reserved only for melodramatic films.
She is currently in the US promoting the album with manager and super-producer, Don Corleon and fellow talent, Pressure who has also launched his album, Love and Affection. Both albums are available in stores now.
"I don't speak of negative things. I don't give light to things that are not positive."

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Quest For the Hot Body- Days 2&3

Written: Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's day 3 and I am in paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain!!! But good pain... the kind that makes you feel like it's working. As long as I don't laugh, cough or lay down to sleep, I should be aaaiiiight!

Now, I missed the gym yesterday. YUP! Couldn't go because of my crazy schedule...BUT you would be proud of me because I worked out at home. I did 500 abs and some stretches. So I didn't cheat the workout.

Day 3 brought the threat of a winter storm in the area of NY / NJ. so once again I am kept from the gym. BUT as timing would have it, my precious friend sent me 2 Yoga DVDs from Canada. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! So if I don't make it to the gym this evening, I shall be yoga-ing... not a bad exchange at all and let's see if I can grit my teeth, bear the pain and run 500 more abs.

Dream Gym

Did I mention this Gym is my DREAM GYM? Yup! It has everything I want in a gym and more. I used to be a gym buff (5-7 days a week!!!) and had a smoking bod and sexy-ass abs, so I get emotional about the right gym.

This gym has a sauna (So I can unwind after a hectic week), a boxing cage (Hey, I'm married... I WILL need to punch something sometime! hehe...kidding honeyyyyyyyyyy), a basketball court (for my hubby), racquet ball court (which I won't ever use, but it's great to have options), great equipment, huge space...


I saved the best for last...

check it out....

they have...

all mine...MINEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Sorry, this weighed heavily in my decision to join the gym because I am a TV tete!!!) I am slightly addicted to the court television shows- Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, Judge Maria Lopez, Judge Mathis, Divorce Court... and COURT TV, go figure. both extremes of the legal system.

Anyway, I love this gym and I look forward to my next workout tomorrow! Will update you in a few.

You're not-yet-as-sexy-as-she-thinks-she-can-be Friend,


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Journey to Sexyyy!!!! Gym day 1

Written: Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am getting back to sexy!!!! I am determined to start 2008 with better habits and definitely a better bod.

So today was day 1 at the gym ( ok, I guess yesterday since it is after midnight). It was grrrrrrrrreat!

Didn't do much...wanted to take it easy and wean myself in. It was 15 mins on the treadmill, 15 mins playing basketball with hubby,15 mins abs and 15 mins on the treadmill again.
Not bad.

The end product will be a fierce business woman with a stronger sense of self because of the pride inside and out. it may seem superficial, but it amazing how outward things reflect the inside.

Ever had a messy room... and just could not organize your own thoughts as a result? Ever felt aweful about yourself and felt much better after something simple like getting your hair done??? It is a reality that the outward environment and appearance reflect what is inside.. what is inside may even be a product of what is outward.

This is one of my major resolutions for 2008... I think it is important to find the things that block your happiness, block your self esteem and keep you from being the best you possible.
What is blocking you from you?

Think about it... remove it... be fabulous!!!!!


NEW YORK, NY (RHONA FOX, INC.) - It was just one of those day when Sizzla was as solid as a rock, when Gyptian was talking about some serious times, when Chuck Fender came over because it was lonely, and when Courtney Melody's sounds washed over the crowd just like the rain. Cultural Explosion on December 8th at Amazura in Queens, NY was just what fans were looking for, as they turned out in droves to witness the reggae stars at the top of the culture genre.
Chuck Fender, Courtney Melody and Ras Shiloh belted out fan favorites, and headliner Sizzla sizzled, no pun intended, with a performance that lasted well over an hour and covered more than 30 of his legendary tunes. Gyptian was also doing double-duty on stage, as fans were able to witness the making of the video for his next single, "I Can Feel Your Pain," directed by Rhona Fox.
Newcomer Ras David shone, as the crowd left their spots against the wall and converged in front the stage to take in his sounds. The night also saw performances from Little Lion, Elvis D, Nico, Rolly Bop, and a surprise cameo from Tony Curtis. The main lineup was backed by the Firehouse Band, which just added to this flawless event.
It was also a history making night, as many concertgoers were pleasantly surprised when the show started and ended on time, for perhaps only the second time in the venue's history. Kudos goes out to coordinator Tasz Smith of Triple T Production, who oversaw production of the show.

Perhaps this will encourage fans to return for upcoming gigs as this holiday season brings a bevy of reggae activity to the New York area.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Don't Be Tied Down by Negative Thoughts

Life will always throw you curve balls... I shouldn't even try to make it sound nice... Sometimes life takes you to the edge of sanity!!! I have been there (still visit at times, LOL) but that's life.

The trick is to use all these experiences to make yourself a better person, a stronger person, one who can help others like you step away from the edge of sanity. Sounds easy? IT'S NOT!!!!

I am a firm believer that God chose a special few to perform some great works on his behalf... and we are being tested to ensure we can handle the responsiblity of being part of the chosen few. Look at all obstacles as tests; tests of strength, character and fortitude. They are events to be used to build character and conquer endevours, dreams and goals.

It can be done.


Change your mindset.

Change your mindset. (yea, I said it twice!)

Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind, heart and soul. The power that the mind has is greatly under-estimated. But if you reflect on it, you will see evidence in your own life.

If you believe you will never find someone to love YOU, you may continously find yourself in failed, abusive relationships.

If you believe you will never progress in your career, you may continue to be passed for promotions and for the great position.

Why is this? Coincidence? No! Your actions reflect your mindset. Your energy, whether positive or negative, is shown in your decisions, attitude and overall aura.

So what can be done now?

Start today. Plant the seed of positivity. Believe you are great, beautiful, deserving, worthy... Not because that's the 'formula', but because you know it's true.

Begin an exercise today: Look in the mirror and find the GREAT things about your body, great things about your personality... Find the beauty inside and out.

THEN, decide the TYPE of person you would like to be and begin building a road towards becoming the best you.

Hope you enjoyed reading this, I enjoyed writing it.

Stay positive and true to yourself. Get rid of negative thoughts. Love yourself and draw love to yourself.


Paula Yee Sing-Edwards


If you are interested in developing seriously as an artiste there are several rudiments that must be followed to ensure success in this competitive industry.

1. Know what you value about your music and honor your values.

2. Set up your music career as a bonafied business and keep good records.

3. Prepare a business or career plan to map out your goals.

4. Don't let a day go by without working on something to keep to your plan.

5. Stay focused on your plans and don't run from it.

6. Get regular feedback of your music from your contacts.

7. Stay informed: Read read read about the business

8.Organize your space; an organized space indicates an organized mind.

9. Practice your communication skills.

10. Follow up on promises made to anyone in the music business, to be taken seriously.

11. Create a webpage and promote it aggressively.

12. Network with others in the industry, join groups and be an active member.

13. When something doesn't work... stop doing it , and don't do it again.

14. Take days off! Rest!

15. Keep physically fit and eat healthy.

16. Identify true friends and don't forget them.

17. At least once a year, study some topic you wouldn't normally consider.

18. Seek inspiration from unlikely sources.

19. Do not let success get to your head; be grateful.

20. Don't blame others for your struggles; use them to build character.

21. Take advise from those who have earned it.

22. If you can't do a task... don't; hire out intelligently.

23. Find out your personal work rhythm, when do you work best?

24. Nature your relationship with fans.

25. Only use attorneys, agents, publicists etc. with music business experience.

26. Be prepared for the unexpected.

27. Be the best you that you can be... ALWAYS.

28. Conceive success in your mind and heart and make it your reality.