Saturday, December 15, 2007

Journey to Sexyyy!!!! Gym day 1

Written: Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am getting back to sexy!!!! I am determined to start 2008 with better habits and definitely a better bod.

So today was day 1 at the gym ( ok, I guess yesterday since it is after midnight). It was grrrrrrrrreat!

Didn't do much...wanted to take it easy and wean myself in. It was 15 mins on the treadmill, 15 mins playing basketball with hubby,15 mins abs and 15 mins on the treadmill again.
Not bad.

The end product will be a fierce business woman with a stronger sense of self because of the pride inside and out. it may seem superficial, but it amazing how outward things reflect the inside.

Ever had a messy room... and just could not organize your own thoughts as a result? Ever felt aweful about yourself and felt much better after something simple like getting your hair done??? It is a reality that the outward environment and appearance reflect what is inside.. what is inside may even be a product of what is outward.

This is one of my major resolutions for 2008... I think it is important to find the things that block your happiness, block your self esteem and keep you from being the best you possible.
What is blocking you from you?

Think about it... remove it... be fabulous!!!!!