Saturday, January 5, 2008

Help Me Start a Foundation to Help Others

I just found out that a friend of mine has End Stage Renal 29 years old! He had no indications of this over the years. No diabetes, no hypertension.... a very rare illness for someone of this age without accompanying primary illnesses.

He now has to do dialysis treatments in Jamaica twice per week; a very costly procedure. Not to mention the additional medications and processes that go along with the treatment of the disease.

So this has sparked another interest in me.

I have always wanted to do a charity ( I hate that word!)... start a foundation (that's better) to help people in need. I wanted an education foundation, health and youth. So now I think God has placed this person in my life to fullfil a part of my purpose in help others.

But I need your help too... I don't know the correct procedure to start a foundation. I am now reading and researching and thought i would throw it out in a blog, so my friends can read and give me some guidance.

I really want to help this young man and others with similar health issues. Many have died in Jamaica awaiting time on the dialysis machine (there are only 6 in the island!!!) and have died trying to save money for the procedure.

Please help me to realize this mission. I want to help and I want you to help me help (hahaha).
Looking forward to your emails and comments..

Paula P