Friday, October 3, 2008

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur- Building Business Block by Block

I read a Facebook note this morning that simply blew me away in its empirical simplicity and reality. It was by David Mullings, entrepreneur and co-founder of Random Media LLC which in turn owns and operates Real Vibez Media. Real Vibez is fast becoming a brand synonymous with quality media marketing and delivery; pioneering ways individuals access and enjoy Caribbean Culture and Entertainment.

David recently endorsed the book “The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur”, which I am eager to read and review (see his testimony on the back of the book). He is in great company with the likes of Donny Deutsch, Host of CNBC’s The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch & Chairman, Deutsch Inc. and Bill Bartmann, self-made billionaire & National Entrepreneur of the Year (twice) by USA Today, Inc., and E&Y & Founder of Billionaire Business Systems.

The note, titled “David’s Most Recent MBA vs. TPE Moment” (TPE=Toilet Paper Entrepreneur), was about David’s recent “Eureka!!” moment about building his business.
He received a mind-blowing tip from an advisor, “B” which simply stated:

“… prioritize the top 5 things and knock them down one by one. Build Rome brick by brick.”

David’s MBA thought process was to seek funding to pay a company to build the whole “house” at once but “my TPE brain says to start laying bricks right now instead of waiting on the loan approval to buy the house.”

How many of us still think that way? We have great ideas, but await the ‘big money’ before we can make progress.

STOP IT! Stop it now!

Hahaha! Sorry for the harsh reprimand. But in this day and age of entrepreneurship in the current economy, it seems the best solution may be the ONLY solutions… build Rome, build YOUR Empire… brick by brick. I am by no means an economist, nor do I consider myself an entrepreneurial expert. But I am a GREAT TPE student and apply things I learn daily to the development of my own businesses.

I have registered a cleaning and concierge company in New Jersey and am taking my time (and little resources) to buy my Vacuum cleaners, solutions etc one by one. And you know what… the company will become operational much faster than awaiting the big loans or the big check. Similarly, my soon to be launched entertainment magazine, YaadNoyz Magazine has enormous potential to be a heavy player in the Entertainment Media industry, but I am building it slowly and carefully, using the resources available now while seeking more and progressing forward at all times.

Apply David’s “Eureka!!” moment to your own life and business development strategy. Instead of being stagnant because of lack of money and resources, use what you already have to build from the bottom up… of course, without compromising quality and your own standards. You will be in great company with EBay, You Tube, Yahoo and PayPal which all used this building-block strategy (The TPE way).

Thanks for this early morning inspiration David (I read it at 5:30AM). Anyway, I am out… have blocks to build!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The tragedy is that so many people look for self-confidence and self-respect everywhere except within themselves, and so they fail in their search.” Dr Nathaniel Branden

In all aspects of our lives we find ourselves evaluating our worth. Are we worthy of this clique of friends, do we fit into a certain school, are we good enough for that guy or girl…
Our esteem and self-worth are tied into a number of factors. Family status, money, career, education, experience even fashion sense all play roles in our feeling of worthiness (or worthlessness) at different stages in life. We put a value on our selves.

In the business world the same challenges exist. We must rate ourselves and express this value to our colleagues and employers. Self-employed entrepreneurs often have to set rates that reflect the worth of the company and the products and services offered. There is a popular story of a gentleman who went into a consulting business after leaving his job of many years. After finishing a presentation to a potential client, the VP of Operations of the company invited him in to discuss the terms of agreement.

Of course the gentleman expected a long, wordy document with legal jargon but instead got a single sheet of paper with the following 4 words:

Rate….. Hours…… Other Conditions…….

Being taken off guard, the gentleman said he will take the going rate of the competitors; but the VP insisted he wrote a quote.

Several months into the project, after good results, the VP decided to share a tip with the gentleman:

“I know that you have not been in business for yourself before, but whether it is your own business or a job, you must know your worth all the time. We were willing to pay you twice as much because that is what we had assessed in terms of what you could do to save our biggest customer from moving away.” He continued, “So now that we have been able to regain our customer’s confidence in us with your help, how much are you worth?” And he again gave him a piece of paper to fill up. It had the same four words as the first one. The gentleman had poor ‘worth’ ethic (sure he didn’t after!)

My husband is one of the most talented music producers and audio mixing engineers I know. He is extremely knowledgeable but refuses to add audio mixing to his list of services offered by our music production company. He doesn’t think he is ‘good enough’… doesn’t think his skills are of enough worth to be paid for. It’s great to be a perfectionist (speaking as one myself) but after a while we need to realize our strengths and not be afraid to explore new areas of our business. This is poor ‘worth’ ethic.

As a business owner or an employee; you must regularly do an analysis of the portfolio of your capabilities and services (talents) and determine what it is worth. This allows you to:

· Assess your strengths and explore opportunities to expand the business

· Improve on the weaknesses, increasing your company’s worth.

· Create confidence in the consumers and clients about the quality of the products and services (coupled with reputation, of course)

· Put yourself in a position for promotions

Always remember the importance of good “worth” ethic!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

T.C. Feat. Capleton -

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mapping Your Journey to Success

Mapping Your Journey to Success

So I am sitting here at my desk writing my September map. Yea… “writing” my map… I have to, without it I am like a headless chicken going blindly in circles.

I refer to myself as a Jane of All Trades and ‘Work-In-Progress-Master of Most’ (if not all). At any given time I have countless ideas swirling around my mind…like noise…mental noise. Every time I had a thought I began to pursue it and neglect the former idea I was pursuing. This resulted in a lot of half-completed plans and half way achievements. Not good. I had to think of a way to control my ideas and bring each of them to fruition in a sensible fashion and stop wasting energy and time chasing every thought.

According to a study by the Ford Foundation:

• 23% of the population has no clue what they want from life and as such, they have very little.

• 67% of the population has a general idea what they want out of life, but no clue how to attain it.

• 10% of the population has specific goals

• Only 7 out of that 10 achieve their goals half the time

• The top 3% achieved the goals 89% of the time

The difference between the 3% elite group and the rest was: THEY WROTE DOWN THEIR GOALS!!! Can you believe it? Sounds too simple, right?

But it kinda makes sense, doesn’t it?

Goal-setting is like a map - it guides us to our destination, allowing us to have a bird’s eye view of the route. We can avoid time-wasting dead ends and detours. Dreams and wishes become goals when they are written; in some strange way writing them down materializes them and makes them probable. I like the phrase “dreams with a deadline” which I have heard used to describe goals.

These are tips to creating my maps for success:

• Get a calendar as visual aid; the mind tends to follow what is in front of it.

• Set aside an hour a day to plan. Force yourself into the habit.

• Work backwards- Focus on your long term goals and decide what short term activities will lead to your long term target.

• Plan tomorrow the night before- While you sleep, your mind will organize your time. I have a white board by my desk that I write my daily tasks on. Then at the end of the day I erase the accomplished ones and leave the undone ones for the next day. Of course the aim is to erase them all!!!

• Start the day with a mental run-down of your agenda. Then just do them! Walk with an idea notebook to jot anything that comes to mind.• Of course keep in mind that there may be obstacles. Plan for these proactively and not re-actively. Just steer around the obstacles and keep on moving.

• Reward yourself when you achieve your goals. Give yourselves mini-incentives to go even further. But if course don’t waste time patting yourself on the back for too long…there is still lots to do!

Anyhoo my friends, I am going back to my mapping! See you at the finish line of success!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Leading By Intimidation…Support or Oppose?

I am a fan of Sean “Puffy” “Diddy” Combs. I admire what he has accomplished as an entrepreneur and a mogul in the various industries spreading from music and entertainment into the fashion and beverage industries (Ciroc). One the most looked forward to ‘Diddy event’ for me is his reality TV shows and no doubt his latest “I Want to Work For Diddy” on VH1 is choc -full of entertaining moments, educational moments and thought provoking moments.

The show is about young men and women vying for the post of personal assistant to Puffy. Of course week to week they will be faced with incredulous challenges and seemingly ridiculous tasks which, stupendous as they seem, are the reality of the entertainment business. I can definitely see how working for Diddy can prepare you for a job working for anyone and anything. The Government should consider a ‘Diddy Bootcamp’ for privates in the army as a mandatory training course (Hey! Don’t forget you got the idea here Sean!).

I can’t help but to notice that Sean Combs’ presence comes with extreme intimidation in his underlings and expectants. I would describe my leadership method as Participative, where I get involved with my team and work alongside them to encourage and build a positive rapport and hence improve self confidence in job performance and productivity. Diddy, on the other hand uses an Autocratic style.

Does this style of leadership work? Hmmm… I can go on and on and speak against this method, claiming that putting down employees and intimidating them lead to them continually questioning their abilities and compromising productivity. But does it really? Diddy seem to produce very efficient individuals prepared for the harsh industry; many of whom have gone off to create successful companies after learning under the ‘Diddyship’. What then can I say about his intimidating presence? It seems to work!

I worked at Go West, official distributor of Guess? apparel in Jamaica and I never forget Ms Pessoa. Once her car pulled into the parking lot we all had to be BUSY. If there were no customers, no unfolded shirts, no crooked hangers, WE MADE SOME! We had to create work because no one should be idling at any time. I believe that though it was intimidation, there was deep respect; we kept the place up to the high standard demanded by her and at no time did we feel we could drop the ball and become lackadaisical. Her methods were successful! Go West was and still is known for its atmosphere and air of exquisiteness.

On the opposite end, I have seen instances where managers or supervisors try to develop an atmosphere of equality and friendliness which resulted in disrespect and subsequent discord. The worker begins to feel he needn’t to stand by the hard and fast rules of the company and sometimes try to progressively break more to see what he can get away with in the presence of the supervisor. At that point, if the manager or supervisor tries to reprimand the employee, the relationship is adversely affected.

I am led to believe that leadership styles are directly proportional to who is being ‘led’. Those under the autocratic ‘Diddicratic’ method need to be tough, strong, and (somewhat subservient at the same time) and is not discouraged by shame and intimidation. The Participative and Laissez Faire leaders have employees who are self sufficient, confident, and who acknowledge and embrace the distinction among roles in the hierarchy of the company.

What is the best leadership method? What method brings out the best in employees and results in highest level of productivity?

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

YaadNoyz Magazine

YaadNoyz Production LLC

Thursday, July 31, 2008


As I mentioned in my previous blog, there are numerous outlets where we can network. It needn’t be confined to events prescribed for networking and corporate mingling. We can meet people who can have positive impact on our lives personally, spiritually or business-ally (hehehe) anywhere we conduct our day to day tasks: the gas station, the gym, the park, the train, the bus, a cousin’s- friend’s- child’s birthday party… All that is needed to network are confidence and willingness to approach others or be approached.

What can make it easier is a conversation starter; that quip or question or statement that invites a response and perhaps creates dialogue and VOILA!!!...we have networked.

Conversation starters are situational…opportunistic even. If a situation arises that gives us the opportunity to start a conversation, then we do it. If a person is standing next to us (within ear shot) in a train or by the bar at the party, these are examples of opportunities for conversation. If the person we want to meet is across the room, we position ourselves within that person’s circle to make a conversation possible.

Of course, let me be very clear that we only start conversations when we truly want to; not because we are being ‘forced’ to or ‘we guess we should do it for our business ’. The insincerity will be obvious and will rather leave a negative or false impression of us, let alone our business.
I thought I would list a few starters that I have used and some that I researched. Remember, let the question FIT the situation aptly (or at least contrast with it tastefully or humorously).

· Wow! It’s hot today! Was it this hot yesterday?
(Yea KNOW it was hot yesterday, but they don’t know YOU know!)

· What a great event. The music is blazing and people are having a great time. This was really well planned
(This is especially great with the PLANNERS of the party!)

· That dress is hot on you or That is a realllllly nice dress or I love that shirt.
(of course, if it is true. And with this- we don’t want to sound like we are flirting. So choose the statement that gives the least mixed signals)

· Did you hear about the earthquake in LA?
(If they heard- allow them to speak about it. If they didn’t- offer info you have)

· You guys make a beautiful couple. How long have you been together?

There are too many to list, but I hope this was helpful or at least inspiring to go get ‘em! Now go forth and network!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

YaadNoyz Magazine

YaadNoyz Production LLC

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

“You Had Me From Hello”-Work your Network!!

By now everyone knows that networking is the core of any entrepreneurial venture; Networking is marketing and marketing is key in promoting yourself, a service or product. Image and reputation (-thanks David M.) play powerful roles in the success (or lack) of any business. What is often forgotten is the fact that we don’t need to attend ‘networking’ functions and conferences to do so. We can interact and market in our day to day goings-on. The gym, the gas station, the bank, the supermarket, a child’s party are great untapped sources of contacts, customers, consumers and patrons.

I have always been a socialista; as a child I somehow knew the power of having certain contacts. I remember tugging at my dad’s shirt compelling him to introduce me to any police officer I saw anywhere…for some reason I believed I would need to have them as close friends (hmm..What was I thinking I would need them for??). It was the same for just about any professional, as I walked with a ‘contacts notebook’ to jot numbers…was so cute…I was like 10!

But this weekend, after reading “How to Work a Room” by Susan RoAne, I decided to go steps further with my networking. As a guest at a sweet 16 for the daughter of a friend of a friend - my friend’s grandparents could no longer attend, so my husband and I were the replacements. We were 2 of 4 black persons in a mostly Jewish circle and I thought to myself “self….let’s put our reading into practice!”

I took my friend’s mom’s hand and we took over the dance floor. Soon my husband joined in and we got others involved too. People were rooting for us and asking us to show them our dance moves etc; complimenting my husband and myself on what a great couple we seem to be…
I saw a couple on the dance floor make their way to the bar (open bar yipeeee) I followed so as to strike up a conversation. We chatted for a bit about their 28 year marriage, their kids, exchanged introductions and bingo…I left my mark. Similarly, I greeted the hosts (the parents) and commended them on an awesome event during the party and on our departure. I circled the room and shook hands with the people at most tables and met other professionals present at the event.

Yesterday I got a call from my friend who invited us informing me that we were the talk of the party and “everyone is still talking” about the awesome couple. There is now an open invitation to any event the family is hosting!

The point is…even those of us who think we have the keenest networking skills…with a CONSCIOUS effort to do more, we can make marketing magic! I did not market my upcoming online magazine, YaadNoyz Magazine, since it is still in the works, but I laid a foundation to chat business in the future.

Make eye contact today with someone and spark up a it work magic for your business life or even your personal life! Tomorrow I will discuss a few of my “conversation-starter-uppers”. Talk about the weather, the gas price, the color of her dress…be honest and confident and leave your mark.

You can have them at hello!!!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

Image and Identity Consultant

YaadNoyz Production LLC

Thursday, July 24, 2008


One of the services offered by the company I am soon to launch includes conflict resolution in and out of the workplace. Here are some tips to resolving issues from the stance of the involved party or the one responsible for resolving them.


It is impossible to address every possible conflict that may arise among individuals within an organization; but there are several basic things to consider when faced with such conflicts.

· What is the real issue(s) – Are they work related or personal? Approach accordingly. If the feelings are personal, encourage the individuals to find methods of separating those feelings from the mission of the organization and focus on the goal at hand.

· Are we making a mountain out of a molehill? - Does the situation warrant the aggression and discord resulting from it? Can it be handled calmly and quickly without reducing productivity?

· How old are you? – Yes...this must be asked, because conflicts often bring out the temper- tantrum throwing child in the person. Child labor laws do not allow children to be employed in the position, so individuals are NOT expected to behave like children. Address the situation in a mature, civil, ADULT way.

· Remember the aim--- to do well at your job. Fighting and sabotaging another individual does not benefit you in any way. It decreases your worth as an asset to the company and certainly doesn’t add money to your salary. Doing well at your job brings honor and a sense of pride…all healthy for your body mind and spirit.


· Be slow to anger- Bringing that emotion to the situation only worsens it and not resolve it. It puts the other party on the defensive. If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot. ~Korean Proverb

· Be indirect in stating errors or mistakes- This lowers the defensive walls and allows the next part to see your side. A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. -Samuel Butler

· Remind the parties of the main goal of the organization- This creates a common ground

· Be open to apology- Graciously accept apologies and be more gracious in giving them if you are wrong.

· Show your human side- Let the part know when you have been wrong or made similar mistakes, this makes you more relatable to the situation.

· Close the case- Heal the situation to remove all negative personal feelings which may result if dealt with poorly. Encourage comradeship and oneness.
Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
YaadNoyz Magazine
YaadNoyz Production LLC
www.yaadnoyz (coming soon)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Goal-Setting & Execution- For Procrastinators (like me)

This is for all procrastinators.

Goal-setting is a vital step in getting ahead and developing personally or professionally. Setting 'finishing points' is easy.....getting them done is HARD!!!

I am a born planner. I wish I had a job where I could organize everyone's life, schedule, future... BUT, very few things do I actually accomplish. Why? I procrastinate! I feel so good after making the perfect plan, I spend forever patting myself on the shoulder, and planning more. But what is the use in having well made plans if we fail to execute them?

This has been a serious problem in my life. So I have recently made adjustments to improve my goal execution.

My plans are always written; I actually keep an idea book, where I make notes when I brainstorm or I list things I want to accomplish in life, for the year, the month, the week, the get the idea... I WRITE everything.

Next, I set deadlines (I work best under pressure...even is self inflicted!) to achieve these and outline how I am going to go about it. Everyday I do something-no matter how small- towards achieving the goal...then I 'tickie' it!!! YES...TICKIE (ticky?...sticky? however we splelt it in school). It is a great feeling to put a check mark at things we planned to accomplish; it gives a sense of satisfaction and moves us a step closer to our finish point.

Now, as a procrastinator, getting the listed things done is a task, so I have to train myself (boot camp styleee). I tend to start things and finish, so since I am aware of this problem I make a concentrated effort to complete. I set small seemingly mundane goals. For example, at the gym on the treadmill I will set it for 15 mins and by 12 or 13 mins I figure I could stop to begin another workout. BUT in Paula's bootcamp I have to stick it out and complete the 15 mins- my goal.

If I am reading a book, I set a goal to complete certain chapters and I do not stop until I finish the goal.

Slowly I am seeing evidence of progress...even in maintaining the writing of these notes and blogs, I am like that old-ish Jamaican Festival Song (Mi Stop, Mi Go, Mi Stop...mi stop, mi go, mi stop, mi go....stop and gooooooooo)-pardon the corniness, I can't help it! partial doers...sufferers of Adult ADD (Adult Attention Deficit Disorder)...let's work on it together and get stuff done.

Hoping you had a fabulous and productive day,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

YaadNoyz Production LLC

YaadNoyz Magazine (coming soon!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Image is Everything....What's Your Public Identity?

In this age of branding, public image is no longer limited to business but is now very personal. Since the boom of the social networking sites such as Myspace, Facebook ...Hi5 (hey, don't knock Hi5! I met the love of my life there!!!), the image of individuals is under continuous scurtiny.

The photos, the friends, the bio are all used to 'sum up' what a person is all about. So always keep in mind the image and the impression you want the public to have of you. As we are all well aware, these sites are powerful marketing tools, so what do you want to market yourself as? If you are an entrepreneur (as so many of us are), the image we reflect on these sites affect how our business is viewed....

... Do you have a corporate Image business with party girl pix?

... Do you have a photography business with poor quality photos posted?

....Are you an entertainment agent with NO photos of your involvement in the field?

... Are you promoting health awareness with photos showing your involvement (innocent as they may seem) in unhealthy habits...

Then you and your business run the risk of not being taken seriously and may not gain the confidence of the mass due to the contradictory image. This clearly can have a negative effect on your bottomline..your earnings...your profit..your moula.

Yea, the adage is true...image is everything...more so than ever before.

Of course, one such way to separate your personal life from your business is to set up separate networking accounts. The business account will reflect the logo and industry-related photos and information, while the personal allows you to be more natural.

So...if you never thought about this before, think about it!

Nuff Love,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

YaadNoyz Production LLC

Sunday, July 13, 2008

We Have a Choice...What Do You Choose???

I received an email a few weeks ago with a forwarded story. I usually ignore or delete forwarded mail (sorry guys), but I decided to read this one. I have already applied the essense of it to my own life and have seen and felt tremendous and try for yourself!


John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, 'If I were any better, I would be twins!'He was a natural motivator.If an employee was having a bad day, John was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up and asked him, 'I don't get it!You can't be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it? '

He replied, 'Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ... you can choose to be in a bad mood.I choose to be in a good mood.'Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or...I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or... I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.

'Yeah, right, it's not that easy,' I protested.'Yes, it is,'

he said. 'Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people affect your mood.You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It's your choice how you live your life.'

I reflected on what he said. Soon hereafter, I left the Tower Industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that he was involved in a serious accident, falling some 60 feet from a communications tower.After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, he was released from the hospital with rods placed in his back.I saw him about six months after the accident.

When I asked him how he was, he replied, 'If I were any better, I'd be twins..Wanna see my scars?'I declined to see his wounds, but I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the accident took place.

'The first thing that went through my mind was the well-being of my soon-to-be born daughter,' he replied. 'Then, as I lay on the ground, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live or...I could choose to die. I chose to live.''

Weren't you scared? Did you lose consciousness?' I askedHe continued, '

.''What did you do?' I asked.

'Well, there was a big burly nurse shouting questions at me,' said John. 'She asked if I was allergic to anything 'Yes, I replied.' The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply. I took a deep breath and yelled, 'Gravity'.'Over their laughter, I told them, 'I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead.'

He lived, thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude... I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully.Attitude, after all, is everything.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.' Matthew 6:34.After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.

End of Story

WOW! We have a choice! So when you are tempted to say "I am having a bad day" or "that person is really upsetting me..I am goin got curse them out" or "this job is depressing", just have a choice!

Choose to make your day good, choose to be unaffected by negativity....choose to be HAPPY!!!

Nuff Love as always,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards

YaadNoyz Production LLC

Technorati Profile

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Less Means More even in Goal Setting???

I was showering (where I get my best enlightenment) and started thinking about accessibility and ambition. They seem to have an inversely proportional relationship… when things are accessible, we don’t strive as hard.

Remember high school? Those who lived near to the school were the ones late. And even in adulthood…those close to work are those who are late. On the other hand, those who lived far away (Linstead, Spanish Town…) were at school before all the classrooms were open!

Are we prone to take things for granted when we have the means at our fingertips? This may not be the general… but it happens frequently enough to…general-ish. I am always amazed at stories of people who excelled after having to study by candle light, with a crowded house, after cooking the dinner and cleaning up. And then those who had ample space, books, resources find some lame excuse to not get things done.

Those with no personal means of transport will get on the bus and get where they need to be…but those with a car somehow get lazy. If it breaks down, they cannot get to work, or to the meeting…

If there is a something you are striving for in this life, never let anything keep you from going for it. Act as if you have no choice but to get it. As if there are no ‘parents’ to bail you out, no ‘family business’ to get into if yours fail…GET IT. As you achieve small levels of success, strive for the ultimate goal as if you have nothing to fall back ‘settle’ with. (But please do go ahead and celebrate every level of success, just don’t let it slow the growth process.)

We are the only ones who can really achieve what we want…and too often we are the ones who keep ourselves from it.
Nuff Love as always,
Paula Yee Sing-Edwards BScMT(hons)
Image Consultant
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Plan for Good- Attract the Good!!!!!

When I wake in the morning, I plan for a good day. My anticipation attracts good experiences to me.


Do you believe in the laws of attraction? Your thoughts, energy, words and actions attract a certain type of people, event, success, failure...destiny. What destiny are you attracting to yourself?

You empower things with your mind and your words, so be mindful today of what you give power to.

Give power to love, success, hope, peace, unity. Give thanks continually to God for each blessing. See the good in people, in trying situations..... See the BIG difference this new outlook makes on your entire being and your destiny.

Nuff Love always,
Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
YaadNoyz Magazine

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Who's Who of the Reggae Academy Awards- YAADNOYZ MAGAZINE

The Who's Who of the Reggae Academy Awards
Temoy Brown, Freelance Journalist

Invitees to the Reggae Academy Awards (RAA) reported all the glitz and glamour associated with a major awards show. The production was said to be first class and ambiance, one of greatness.

Tarrus Riley was truly "Royal" as he reigned king of the night, adding four RAA's to his repertoire. One of Riley's awards was a People's Choice Award for Most Popular Song- mega hit, "She's Royal".

The second of the two People's Choice Awards went to Most Popular Artiste- Beenie Man.

Three special statuettes were dedicated to Reggae Trailblazers - Chris Blackwell (Island Records founder), Reggae Legend - Ernie Ranglin (Blackwell's second-in command when Island Records was started in 1959), and the esteemed Reggae Icon Award - Bob Marley.

Other Reggae Academy Awardees include:

Best Solo Male Vocal Performance - She's Royal, Tarrus Riley
Breakthrough Reggae Artiste - Tarrus Riley
Best Solo Female Reggae Vocal Performance - Roots, Etana

Best Reggae Album - Mind Control, Stephen Marley
Best Music Producer - Stephen Marley
Breakthrough Reggae Artiste - Tarrus Riley
Best Dancehall Vocal (Performance by duo or group) - Love Is Wicked, Brick and Lace

Best Solo Male Dancehall Vocal Performance - Nah Go A Jail, Busy Signal
Best Dancehall Song - Nah Go A Jail Again, Reanno 'Busy Signal' Gordon (Songwriters' Award)
Breakthrough Dancehall Artiste - Munga Honourable
Best Female Dancehall Vocal Performance - Chat To Me Back, Lady Saw

Best Dancehall Riddim - Tremor, Stephen McGregor
Best Dancehall Compilation (two or more artistes) - Tremor Riddim Driven, Stephen McGregor/Big Ship Music
Best Reggae Vocal Performance (Duo, Group, Collaboration) - On My Mind, Da'Ville and Sean Paul

Best Dancehall Album - Intoxication, Shaggy
Best Gospel Music Video - Gully People Supen, Andrew Grey (Video Director's Award)
Best Reggae Video - She's Royal, Rupert Campbell (Video Director's Award)
Best Dancehall Video - Church Heathen Remix (Video Directors Award) Jay Will

Best Instrumental Recording/Album - Making Notes, Robbie Lyn
Best Gospel Album - Prodigal Son, Prodigal Son
Best Gospel Song - Can't Stop Now, Kemoy Rowe, William Barclay and Courick Clarke (Songwriter's Award)

Best Solo Female Gospel Performance - Pray For Peace, Chevelle Franklyn
Best Solo Male Vocal Gospel - This Place, Prodigal Son
Best Vocal Gospel Performance by a group, duo or collaboration -Ketch A Fyah, Prodigal Son and Jason Mighty

Best International Reggae/Dancehall Artiste - Collie Budz
Best Reggae Compilation Album - Jamdown Riddim Driven, Delmar Drummond Dangerzone (Executive Producer's Award)
Best Reggae Recording - She's Royal, Romel Marshall (Engineer's Award)

Best Dub Recording or Album - Live As One, Zion Train
Best Reggae Riddim - Guardian Angel, Arif Cooper/Fresh Ear (Producer's Award)
Best Reggae Song - She's Royal Omar 'Tarrus' Riley (Songwriter's Award)
Best Dancehall Recording - One Loaf a Bread, Damian Marley (Engineer's Award)

Visit for this and more stories - YAADNOYZ MAGAZINE

Join our mailing list to get the latest in entertainment and lifestyle news from yaad (Jamaica)- Send me a message to be added to the list

Nuff love always,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
YaadNoyz Magazine

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall Visits Jamaica Today

Royals arrive today
published: Wednesday March 12, 2008

Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will arrive in Jamaica today on an official three-day visit.

The visit forms part of a Caribbean tour by Their Royal Highnesses. During their stay in Jamaica, they will tour select venues in Kingston and St Andrew, Falmouth in Trelawny and Montego Bay, St James.

The royal couple arrived in the Caribbean in early March and have already visited the twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago, St Lucia and Montserrat.

PLAN YOUR WORK, WORK YOUR PLAN: Creating A Map to Music Career Success

PLAN YOUR WORK, WORK YOUR PLAN: Creating A Map to Music Career Successby Peter Spellman, Director, Music Business Solutions

(This article originally appeared in the"Musician's Guide to Touring & Promotion"; June '99 issue)

Scenario 1:
A talented band wants a record deal but their gig schedule is erratic and members' day jobs keep sucking their energies so there's not much left for anything else.

Scenario 2:
A terrific songwriter keeps churning out tunes weekly but they just sit in her notebook while she dreams of someday recording them.

Scenario 3:
A singer and producer team up and record two cuts for release but then realize all the cash has gone to recording and manufacturing with none left for promotion and marketing.

Scenario 4:
A music school graduate with great promise sits in his insurance job cubicle and wonders, " What went wrong?"

Sound familiar?

After fifteen years of working in artist development I've become painfully aware of a tremendous amount of musically-gifted talent being squandered. Some musicians progress in fits and starts--one step forward, two back; two steps forward, one back...and so on. Others are just spinning their wheels, stalled. Still others are going in circles. A few, perhaps the most tragic, are spinning their wheels and going in circles.

What accounts for all this misguided effort? It could be many things: a lack of talent, drug abuse, laziness, etc. But, more often than not, musicians tend to get nowhere because of the absence of a map. A map is a plan that points to your destination and lays out the best routes to get there. Maps give us the "bird's eye view", the lay of the land so to speak, so that our journey toward our destination is discernable and deliberate, rather than haphazard and blind. Singer-songwriter Kelly Pardekooper of Iowa city put it this way: "The bottom line for me is that until I had a plan written down in black and white, I was just swimming in the dark, I had no anchor for my boat, no Felix for my Oscar."

Those planning to be doctors and investment bankers have a fairly clear path to their respective destinations: four years of college, followed by several more years of specialized study, and then onto a"job". The requirements are clear; the maps come pre-packaged. Musicians, on the other hand, don't usually have the luxury of a clearly-defined "job" waiting at the end of their preparation. The musician's map will have hundreds of potential paths, and will be as unique as the life and talent it's guiding.

A music career plan (map) is never written in stone. It should not be viewed as a "constitution-like document" says Michael Futreal of progressive folk-rock band The Offramps. "That's useful for some but as an independent musician whose main hope is to remain flexible while making enough money to simply sustain my music production activities, anything so set-in-stone is sure to fail." Futreal sees his plan as a provisional guideline serving as "an external memory for me in my scattered attempt to balance a day job, a family and music."

Continue Reading:

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Petition: Make Bob Marley a National Hero

There is a petition circulating garnering support to make Bob Marley a National Hero. The indelible impact he has had on reggae music globally is still being observed today, with our dominant presence in the main street market and prestigious Grammy Awards.

Here is the original email sent by the originator of the petition, who has been doing a fantastic job!

Please sign this petition and pass it on...

Greetings Everyone,

Due to the overwhelming and positive response to my article, "Why Jamaica Should Make Bob Marley A National Hero," I was encouraged (by Stacy) to start an online petition to appeal to the Jamaican government to "Make Bob Marley A National Hero." Please take moment to read and sign my petition if you agree Jamaica should award Bob Marley the Order of National Hero.

Go to can read my original article below.

Thank you all for your blessings and support. We can make this happen!

Sincerely yours,Falana Fray

Why Jamaica Should Make Bob Marley A National Hero

by Falana Fray

It's been almost 27 years since the death of Bob Marley, yet despite international appeals and a host of post-humous awards, Jamaica still fails to accord him National Hero status. Even when Bob was a young musician from Trenchtown, his music wasn't even recognized by his own people in Jamaica until his debut album "Catch A Fire" became an international hit, thanks to Chris Blackwell, who I had the pleasure of meeting last month in Jamaica, and the fact that Rastas were regarded as outcasts in the 60s and 70s. I'm just getting warmed up!Marley deserves to be among the fraternity of Jamaica's honored heroes.

He has done more for Jamaica through his music than most politicians have done to temper violence and businessmen to promote tourism to their war ravaged country. Even Bob's song "One Love" was adopted as a theme song for the Jamaican Tourist Board. It was even voted Anthem of the Millennium by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC).

Marley's laundry list of recognitions is even more reason to dub him, not just a National Hero, but an "International Hero." At home, his birthday, February 6th, is observed as a national holiday in Jamaica, he has the Order of Merit (OM), which is Jamaica's third highest honour, was awarded the Medal of Peace from the United Nations and voted Artiste of the Century by Billboard magazine. He was honored with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.His album Exodus was chosen Album of the Century by TIME magazine and his Legend album received the Diamond Award.

He is also a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award by National Academy of Recording Artistes. Last but not least, Bob has a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. As Robert Palmer wrote in a tribute to Marley upon his induction, "No one in rock and roll has left a musical legacy that matters more or one that matters in such fundamental ways." From Bob's perspective, reggae gave a voice to the poor and disfranchised citizens of Jamaica and, by extension, the world.

In so doing, he also instilled them with pride and dignity in their heritage, however sorrowful the realities of their daily existence. Moreover, Marley's reggae anthems provided rhythmic uplift that induced what Marley called "positive vibrations" in all who heard it. Regardless of how you heard it - political music suitable for dancing, or dance music with a potent political subtext – Marley's music was a powerful potion for troubled times.

To many, Marley was a true musical ambassador and a messenger of peace. Though he never aligned himself with any political party, he found an urgent calling to bring together a divided nation riped apart by political violence and hostility. At the Smile Jamaica Concert held on December 5, 1976 at the National Heroes Park, Kingston, Jamaica, Bob Marley & The Wailers performed for 80,000 people and in an unprecedented move, warranted on stage Michael Manley and Edward Siaga where he put their hands together in unity.

Coincidentally, this concert was held at the National Heroes Park, so why not add Bob Marley to the roster of National Heroes?Is it because Bob Marley was a Rasta man who smoked and promoted the use of Marijuana as a religious sacrament?

Fact: Jesus Christ and his apostles used a cannabis-based anointing oil to help cure people with crippling diseases. Is it because he wasn't thrown in prison for civil disobedience or ignite a rebellion?

Fact: Bob Marley was a champion of human rights and spread the message of Rastafari to the world. The religion is embraced by millions of people from Japan to Johannesburg. Is it because he was a notorious womanizer?

Fact: So was John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Martin Luther King. According to a TIME magazines cover story, "womanizing was the source of such agonizing moral conflict that MLK was compelled to confess his most enduring extramarital affair to his wife at "her most vulnerable moment — days after she recovered from a hysterectomy."Is it because he didn't hold political office?

Fact: Neither did Marcus Garvey or Martin Luther King, Jr.Is it because the national heroes committee is out of touch? Fact: Yes!The fact remains for most casual listeners, reggae music can be reduced to one artist Bob Marley. For most tourists and travelers, Jamaica is synonymous with Bob Marley.

Bob's music is a like a flag or a text book to those who have never been to Jamaica or read about the country in global studies. Most importantly, Bob Marley is largely responsible for the worldwide popularity of reggae music and with it subjects, including faith, love, relationships, poverty injustice and other broad social issues that we can all relate to and experienced first hand, or through the eyes of others.

Bob Marley has paved the way for many new and celebrated artists to compete on the international stage of music. Because of Bob, reggae music is a respected category at the annual Grammy Music Awards in America.

Bob's music bridges the cross-cultural divide, soothes the heart and mind from mental slavery, can be heard by people of every gender, race, religion, color, ethnic background and political affiliation.Without the legendary Bob Marley, there wouldn't be a Reggae Academy Awards Ceremony set to take place on February 24th that recognizes the musical talents and achievements of celebrity reggae artists from Jamaica and around the world, or the Smile Jamaica concert that is guaranteed to pump sun bathers, tourists and the almighty dollar or strong Euro into Jamaica's inflated economy.

Award Bob Marley the Order of National Hero and continue to make Jamaica proud.

My fingers are tired!

Thank you Falana, for bringing attention to this matter.

Let's get involved reggae lovers!!!

Your girl,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Thursday, February 28, 2008

’Stars’ and ’Trouble’-Hot Riddims from House of Congress

’Stars’ and ’Trouble’-Hot Riddims from House of Congress

You know you can rely on me for the latest in info from Yaad. Here is a release from Ray Khool about two hot riddims blazing the Jamaican airwaves.

Portmore-based House of Congress has released two hot rhythms with tracks that are now creating some buzz on the dancehall scene.

The Stars and Trouble rhythms share one thing in common: an exciting line-up of uplifting tracks that everyone can enjoy, both adults and teeny boppers.

"We are into wholesome family entertainment. For us it's more than just making music…the message must be there too," said HOC's Chris Congress.

As such, the label has taken great care in ensuring that they stick to the central theme of the company and that's 'entertaining but uplifting music'.

Kicking off the Stars rhythm is a young, hip group named ASK with 'They Should Know'. Indeed, if their smooth sound is anything to go by then they will definitely be going places in the business.

Anthony B is no stranger when it comes to social commentary but 'Everybody Need Somebody' is more on the lighter side as he explores the relationship issue.

That's what makes the Stars rhythm so entertaining – it's a little culture, lovers rock laced with some party vibes…but it's all good.

Hero makes his contribution on the rhythm with 'I Cry' and that track is definitely worth the listening time invested.

Lutan Fyah like you have never heard him before comes to you in 'It's Good To Know' and that's good enough reason for you to check out this rhythm.

Other tracks on the Stars rhythm are Ginjah - 'Manipulative People', King Shadrock - 'Free Dem With Music', Cutty Ranks – 'In The Streets' and Hollow Point with 'Young Thugs'.

The Trouble rhythm so far features the works of Cutty Ranks with 'Dutty Ways' and ASK with 'We Can All'.

Regarding the rhythms, Chris Congress said that they are now in the process of recording even more tracks on both of them.

"If you thought the rhythms were hot before, wait until you hear the finished product," he promised.

TEL: JA. (876) 877-5956
TEL: NY (347) 394-5801
TEL: FL. (954) 603-7751

Nuff Love,
Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Reggae Music Industry

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Young, Gifted & Black (YGB) 2008 Entrepreneurial Awards

The number one PR in New York, Ms Raine (, gave me this press release I would love to share with you. I think it is a wonderful event to attend to celebrate young, gifted and black positive contributors to the society. I will be attending, so maybe we can network!

Image Hosted by

New York, NY (Ms. Raine Inc.): Under The 'Continued Pursuit of Success' motto, The NetLinkz Group, Inc., celebrates African-American History Month with the third installment of the Young, Gifted & Black (YGB) Entrepreneurial Awards, honoring outstanding, and often pioneering, African-American businesses and business owners on Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at LOLA Is Soul in New York City.

With honorees from the medical, fashion, entertainment, and civil service sectors, Netlinkz Founder/CEO Carl Gray maintains that the YGB Awards stands out as one of the few accolades for enterprising individuals making positive impacts in their industries and communities, often under the radar of popular media. In keeping with the community aspect, Gray has changed the nominations process, making all nominations external, as opposed to being selected internally as was done in previous years. This year's YGB ceremony features Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez, Secretary of State of New York as an award recipient & key note speaker.

The 2008 awardees will include the following confirmed individuals:

  • Colin & Latisha Daring – Owners – Pieces of Brooklyn –

  • Danielle Brown – Occupational Therapist – CEO – Optimum Care Rehab

  • Dennis Hawthorne - President & CEO - Dennis Shipping -

  • Desmond Battiste - DGB Management - President & CEO -

  • DJ Clarke Kent – Celebrity DJ/Music Producer/NIKE Consultant – Clarkworld Entertainment

  • Drew Fraser – Actor / Comedian -

  • Elliot Bey - Owner - NY Perks Bar & Lounge -

  • Harry R. Haynes Jr - President - Madd Fun Family Entertainment -

  • Khari Edwards – Gov. Elliot Spitzer Regional Representative

  • Lorene Cowan - Owner - Sepia Skin Care & Mestif Outerwear - &

  • Loris Crawford - Executive Producer - Art Off The Main –

  • Lorraine Cortes-Vazquez – Secretary of State of New York – Key Note Speaker

  • Rohan P. De Freitas – Managing Partner – Crescent Consulting –

  • Simon Templer - Motivational Speaker/Radio Personality

  • Steve McAlpin - Director & Film Producer -

This year's event will be held on Wednesday, February 27th 2008 from 6pm - 11pm as a Black Carpet networking reception at LOLA Is Soul at 15 Watts Street in New York City's popular Soho neighborhood. There is no cost to attend since this program is a non-profit event open to the public by RSVP. Individuals can reserve a table to dine or simple come to the event to network by submitting an RSVP. There will be a complimentary Hor D'oeuveres & Cocktails wth live band & DJ. The awards reception starts at 8pm sharp! A mandatory corporate & professional attire is required.

Email all R.S.V.P. requests to


Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development/ Image Consultant
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Monday, February 11, 2008

Biggest Party of the Month in NYC

Guess what?? YaadNoyz Production is throwing their first party in Manhattan, the City that never sleeps...the city that knows how to party!

YaadNoyz Production, Kolordrez Records and Total Industry have come together to put on a fabulous industry event. It is a networking and mingling event for everyone who is into the business of music, the art of music, loves to listen to for all the fabulous people.

Come see and be seen with the who's who of the industry. Enjoy the hottest music and party like a chic, sophisticated rock star!!!

RSVP me and let me know if you'll be coming out to our event... email: or call 973-380-8795

It will be Sat Feb 23

Doors open 10pm

Cost: $20 Ladies Free Before Midnight

At the hottest spot by the water: H2O BAR & LOUNGE
15 Waterside Plaza
Between FDR & 23rd Stree
NYC, NY, 10010

Dress code: sexy chic

Ask me for details and tell allllllllllllll your friends!!!

See you there!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Children Being Children- Were You??

As children me and my 2 brothers had to adhere to some strict rules and barriers to ensure we always remembered we were children. At the time it was frustrating, particularly since all our friends did not have the same restrictions. But eventually I grew to understand the reason and effectiveness of my parents' actions.

This may seem really innocuous, but we were not allowed to watch GOLDEN GIRLS, DYNASTY, FALCON CREST, COMING TO AMERICA (or any Eddie Murphy of that era) and even now I have never seen one episode of BENNY HILL!! Not even Kunta Kinte was allowed..LOL! because of the nakedness. I think they balanced it will allowing us to watch a few episodes of FALCON CREST or ARE YOU BEING SERVED, but just didn't want us to get carried away.

At school of course everyone was raving about last night's drama or the jokes in UNDA MI NOSE (roots play)... I felt left out!

In conversation we had to recognize that certain words were not 'children's words' like 'sexy' and 'backside', 'rahtid' and 'damn'. I did get an ass-whooping for referring to my brother who had just beat me up as "that damn bwoy"...bigggggggggg mistake..big big big mistake!!!

As a child I could not wear anything short, tight, two-pieced nor sexy (of course on the strike of age 20 I was in the skimpiest of outfits... sorry mom!) But before that I appreciated that I was a child and enjoyed my childhood to the fullest.

I was never over-protected nor sheltered since I was involved in various organizations and leadership groups. But I loved being a child and a teenager... I never skipped a stage.

This is vastly different from the kids nowadays. They are not allowed to enjoy thier childhood because of sex, peer pressure, smoking, drinking, parties....

...parents who want to be called by their first names to not feel too old, parents who want to act like a friend rather than a parent, parents unwilling to switch the channel to cartoons because they don't want to miss DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.

Were you allowed to be a child? Did you have a childhood full of innocent memories? How will you raise your child?

Let me know your thoughts!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Work for Diddy- Apply here

I just got wind of a new reality show by Diddy / Sean Combs. He is seeking a personal assistant and is casting for people to compete for this position in a VH1 reality show.
You can apply by clicking this link and following the instructions.

Remember, it is a JOB... so go with the appropriate attitude and attire. Also remember Diddy is a perfectionist and a real business man, so you need to take with you a WINNER's drive and motivation to get to the top.

Let me know how it works out for y'all!!!!


Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Survey question...What if He Doesn’t Want the Baby? Still Obligated?

Hey friends!

I hope this is a fabulous mid-week for you all! This topic is a doozie! I have many male and female friends..MANY.. so I have been lucky to be exposed to 2 sides and 2 points of view to various very sensitive issues.

I have not had the opportunity to ask the views on this particular topic, so I thought I would throw it out here....




Believe me when I say I am torn about this issue.

I have been trying to type my opinion right here and find it difficult. Children should never suffer for the errors of the parents, but parenting is more than being there for a child financially.. how can you feign love and emotional bonding? If those are absent I rather not have the man in the child's life.

If I was a man... and agreed with a woman to NOT parent a child with her..and SHE decides otherwise after... I would not be happy to be forced into that relationship with her.

On the other hand... it takes 2 people to conceive the child, so both parties should bear the consequences and step up to the plate and be a responsible parent...

Sooooooooo many different views.... Hmmm...what do you think. (hope you have better luck putting it on paper).

Nuff love and positive vibes......

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artist Development
YaadNoyz Production LLC

Monday, January 28, 2008

Morals vs Society... ahhmmm...Does majority rule?

Hey peoplesssssssss,

Hope you all had a restful, refreshing weekend and I wish for you a most productive week. I have a topic on morals vs. society. This debate had me and my hubby arguing at length (mildly put...since I am NOT the sweetest person during an argument). But just for the record, I often play devil's advocate in our 'debates', picking any side that opposes his stance, just for the sake of arguement .

This time, however, I was really rrrrrrrrrr...although I can argue the opposite side in the right situation. It is one of those topics that is all shades of gray-kinda-ish, but should be black and white...-ish.

here we go:

The moral decay seen in todays youth stems from society accepting things that were once considered 'inappropriate' as 'normal' today.

For example... referring to a female as a BITCH. Now the young adults and teens use it to describe a close friend who has their back ("dats ma bitch", or "come on bitch"...all bring forth smiles nowadays)-


A man (boy / dude) will refer to his lady as his 'ho' and even scarier, the ladies are boasting to friends that "I'm his ho" to indicate the depth of their committment.

These are NOT acceptable terms to me AT ALL, but there are those (ROGER) who argue that once the word is accepted to mean something positive, then it should no longer be considered derrogatory terms...The 'majority' determines the context and definition.

Of course I will always have to counter with: "so when we have a DAUGHTER, we should know when her boyfriend refers to her as his bitch and ho we should reply with " that's sooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeet...awwwwwwwwwwwwww...welcome to the family"!!!"

Hmm... I know it is people and society who determine wrong and right morally... but where is the line drawn? When is WRONG just wrong and RIGHT just right, regardless?

The debate went deeper... a person exposed to killings for anything, seeing abuse and murder who grows up to shoot a person for stepping on his toe...Does he think he did something wrong? If he didn't think it wrong, should he be punished at the same level as soemone who is aware of wrong-doing?

I know... it's a heavy issue with lots of angles. The fact is, any arguement you make, you YOURSELF can counter it! I would love to hear...ahmmm... read your thoughts on morality vs the society.

Nuff Love,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development

YaadNoyz Production LLC
YaadNoyz Magazine (seeking contributors in Jamaica)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Diana Ross Gives Disappointing Performance at Jazz N Blues-Jamaica

Here is the FIRST exclusive report on last night's Air Jamaica Jazz & Blues Festival on it's final night. NO WHERE ELSE can you find this information right now on the web....

A large expectant crowd gathered at the venue with high anticipation for the performance by the legendary Diana Ross.

Well, she came..., she 'sang'...., she was booed!!!

Yup! Sources say the singer requested no close cameras while she is on stage because she did not want her face seen on the screen, so the patrons outside the area by the stage could not see anything...huh??

NO CAMERAS!!! Some say they aren't even sure if it was actually her.

One patron in VIP (the closest viewing area to the stage) was quoted saying,

"...yuh nuh si seh a never she."

"garbage, garbage, garbage!!!"

Ms Ross, it is claimed, did a performance of lip-syncing and changed wardrobe at least 6 times during the dark performance. The Jamaicans grew irritated (after paying thousands of dollars for the event) and began to BOO the legendary singer.

This is the first 'boo' for the spectacular, classy festival and gathering of the sophiticated which has been growing in diversity and quality since its inception in 1996. The crowd were flabbergasted at the black-out performance:

"only a duppy looking dress them si a wards cross the stage", One person complained.

She retreated to the limousine immediately after leaving the stage and a representative of the promotions company appeared onstage to explain that the blank screens were upon request of Diana Ross not to be seen and not technical difficulties.

No bottles were reported thrown, since the patrons did not want to scare Billy Ocean who followed Diana Ross in the line up.

Sources say Billy Ocean's performance took the show, but the bitter taste of the Diana's disappointing performance remain on the lips of those present at the event last night.
Story still developing!!!!! Stay tuned!

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development
YaadNoyz Production

Saturday, January 26, 2008


The response to yesterday's blog was so tremendous...Thanks to all who emailed their views on the issue of secret bank accounts within a realtionship. I love topics of debate that evoke strong responses from both genders. Here is another controversial relationship issue that I am interested in hearing (er...reading) your views on:



I itemized these separately because a general statement tend to pull safe, often untrue respones from each sex... Separating them paints the distinct picture... at least I hope so! lol!
Let me know what you think!

Looking forward to your comments

Nuff Love...enjoy your Saturday,

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development
YaadNoyz Production

Friday, January 25, 2008

Survey for YaadNoyz Magazine: Secret Bank Accounts? OK or not

Survey for YaadNoyz Magazine

Hellooooooooooooooooooooooo world!!!

Thanks to all who sent well wishes for me during my flu blues. I am still fighting the symptoms, but mi a soldier, so yuh dun know mi a overcome all that.

You all know I am a TV te te, I loooooooooooooove the idiot box (don't worry, this is sensibly balanced with addictions to reading and researching on the internet). I particularly love the courtroom programs; JUDGE JUDY, JUDGE JOE BROWN, JUDGE MATHIS, JUDGE HATCHETT, PEOPLE'S COURT and DIVORCE COURT.

I am watching divorce court right now and me and my hubby aften discuss many of the relationship issues brought to fore in the program. At parties I find these topics spark great debates, particularly between the sexes... nothing more entertaining than real life and real issues.

So this moved me to include a survey section in our YaadNoyz Magazine, where we address real relationship issues and get the views of real people.

Here is the question this week:


Looking forward to your opinions! I will have more even jucier issues coming soon! Stay tuned!
Bless all of you! Have a great weekend.

Paula Yee Sing-Edwards
Artiste Development

Patient gets seizures listening to Sean Paul music-Cured by Surgery

Guys, I did not know this was even possible!!! Read this interesting story:

Jan. 18, 2008 -- Now that surgeons have operated on Stacey Gayle's brain, her favorite musician no longer makes her ill.

Four years after being diagnosed with epilepsy, Gayle recently underwent brain surgery at Long Island Jewish Medical Center to cure a rare condition known as musicogenic epilepsy.

Gayle, a 25-year-old customer service employee at a bank in Alberta, Canada, was suffering as many as 10 grand mal seizures a day, despite being treated with medications designed to control them. The condition became so bad she eventually had to quit her job and leave the church choir where she sang.

Eighteen months ago, she began to suspect that music by reggae and hip-hop artist Sean Paul was triggering some of her seizures. She recalled being at a barbecue and collapsing when the Jamaican rapper's music started playing, and then remembered having a previous seizure when she heard his music.

Her suspicions were confirmed on a visit to the Long Island medical center last February, when she played Paul's hit "Temperature" on her iPod for doctors. Soon after, she suffered three seizures.

"Being that the seizures could be triggered by the music, this was a very interesting opportunity to study Stacey's brain," said Dr. Ashesh Mehta, the hospital's director of epilepsy surgery.

Read more:

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


YaadNoyz-signed artiste is getting big recognition with his new hit single: LOOTING & SHOOTING on the YaadNoyz Riddim.

Already buzzing on the airwaves, his powerful voice and distinct style have caught the attention of music executives and the media who all want to be among the first to interview this budding musical icon.

Read more about this fantastic musician at:

Listen to the hit single LOOTING & SHOOTING at:
For all queries regarding interviews, dubplates, press kits and anything regarding FORMULLA, contact YAADNOYZ PRODUCTION at:
or call: 973-380-8795 (USA)

Monday, January 7, 2008

Seeking Relationship Issues for Newsletter

Hey Everyone!

Hope you are having a fantastic year thus far.

I have linked with a relationship counselor who is going to do a regular segment in the YaadNoyz Newsletter. He will answer submitted questions regarding relationship matters. He comes highly experienced in these matters and has created a reputation of being crudely staright-forward... an advocate of 'tough love'.

YaadNoyz eagerly anticipates introducing you to this radical advisor in this month's newsletter.. He is a breath of fresh air!!

Please submit your relationship issues, dilemmas and questions. They will be answered honestly and effectively by the professional, straightforward counselor. It will be anonymous and handled with the utmost confidence and consideration of privacy. Feel free to change the names to add anonymity.

Send via email to

Looking forward to your submissions!

By the way... there is a surprise for his month's newsletter!!!! As always, to recieve your copy, send your email address and check out my sites below!


yaadnoyz production llc